Tinify Multi-CDN: Protect your website against CDN outages

There’s a saying that the longer a cow stands, the more likely it is to lie down. The same goes for CDN services: the chances of them failing increase the longer they are online. There is why companies are now relying on Multi-CDN.

As you read this, you might be reminded of Cloudfare’s outage at the end of June, which was caused by some complications during a network upgrade. The issue was solved in under two hours, but as one of the biggest content delivery networks, millions of users were faced with unresponsive websites. 

And this hasn’t been the only outage in the past year – others have been reported, such as CDN provider Fastly’s outage in mid-2021 and AWS’ outages last December.

As the risk of websites breaking down becomes more common, users have started wondering if relying on one CDN provider is the smartest solution. At Tinify, the answer to this is simple: it is better to have a whole herd than to rely on one cow only.

Enter Multi-CDN: The solution for CDN outages

Being dependent on one CDN means that if it goes down, your website gets knocked down too, which means customers lose access to itl. A way to overcome this is to make use of a Multi-CDN instead.

While it offers the same benefits – a fast-loading website anywhere around the globe – a Multi-CDN is made of at least two different CDN providers. This means that if one of them goes down, the other(s) take over and make sure that your website is still available to your customers. In other words, by choosing a Multi-CDN, users are no longer at the mercy of one CDN provider’s effort to stay online. Furthermore, it’s also more effective against human errors and cybersecurity attacks.

Even the CEO of Fastly, one of the most popular CDN providers, has said in an interview that the company encourages their customers to implement a Multi-CDN so they aren’t affected by potential outages.

So how can I get a Multi-CDN?

Integrating different CDNs on your website is a complex task, and it takes more than just buying them separately. This is why you should look for Multi-CDN providers. 

These providers work like brokers – they make the contact with different CDN providers and create a “Multi-CDN mix”, which is then sellable to website owners. 

This blend also gives website visitors a better experience. Multi-CDN providers have different ways to mix and serve a CDN “cocktail”. At Tinify, we identify which CDN has a server closer to or better response time to the user. Remember that one CDN provider doesn’t guarantee the best coverage around the globe – they might not have servers in every country or lack some in a specific region. But by combining multiple CDNs, the chances of great global coverage increase, and you can meet the performance needs of each visitor.

Tinify CDN: Multi-CDN meets image optimization

Although a Multi-CDN strategy has been adopted mainly by big companies that have a global audience, small businesses – particularly webshops – can benefit from this solution as simpler and more affordable Multi-CDN providers enter the game.

Tinify CDN is one of them. We provide customers with 2 independent global Content Delivery Networks that ensure great coverage on all continents. Tinify CDN requires zero configuration, so users can trust that at the click of a button, our system decides which CDN provider has the best performance for each website visitor.

Choosing Tinify CDN also comes with more perks. We’ve combined our expertise in image optimization with our Multi-CDN solution, which means that the images on your website are automatically compressed with no loss in quality. Using a CDN speeds up your website’s loading time, but optimized images give users even faster access. 

Want to learn more about why you should use a CDN to improve your website? Read our article here. Sign-up for a free trial of Tinify CDN on our website.

Tinify Multi-CDN


  • CDN outages happen. But if your website is down, it can impact your sales and customer experience.
  • That is why companies are now switching from one CDN to Multi-CDN. 
  • A Multi-CDN is made of multiple CDN providers, which ensures that if one fails, others can take over. 
  • This means that the chances of your website getting affected by a CDN outage are reduced to zero.
  • Tinify CDN offers just this – a Multi-CDN made of 2 CDNs that combines image optimization to make your website as fast as possible.
  • Category: CDN

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